Appearance, hair, skin, weight and menopause

What are the worst symptoms of menopause?

To some extent, the ‘worst symptoms of menopause’ will depend on the individual, both the severity of the symptoms you have, but also what you personally find hardest to deal with. Typically, the sleeplessness, irritability and depression are the hardest to handle because they’re persistent and they have an impact on other areas of your life. However, some women find the hot flushes more problematic.

Does menopause change your hair?

The change in hormones that happens during menopause can cause changes to your hair. Some women find that their hair thins or becomes more fine. Others also find that it becomes more dry or even brittle. In addition, some women find that they experience more hair growth on their face, cheeks, or upper lip.

Why is my stomach so big after menopause? 

The drop in oestrogen, combined with an increase in the hormone androgen, can mean that some women find that they gain weight more easily and find it harder to lose weight as well. In particular, women often find that their shape changes a bit as they get older - body fat tends to shift to the abdomen and metabolism typically slows down.

It’s not just weight gain that can make your stomach feel bigger however during menopause. The hormonal changes during perimenopause and menopause can cause some women to experience bloating as well, but this is likely to subside after menopause.

What does menopause do to your skin?

After menopause, skin can sometimes seem less firm than it once was with the loss of collagen production. While this is a natural part of ageing, there are things you can do to minimise the effects.

How can I tighten my skin after menopause?

In terms of products and treatments, there are options you can try to help improve skin texture and firmness. You might consider skincare products like retinol or peptides or ask a spa therapist for their advice in terms of facials and body treatments.

From a natural perspective, perhaps the most important thing you can do is protect your skin from the sun. A healthy diet will also help, in particular eating lots of brightly coloured fruit and vegetables.

There are of course also options ranging from aesthetics treatments like fillers and Botox, all the way through to surgical solutions. Whatever you choose in this respect, make sure you do your research, get an expert opinion and work with people you trust. We spoke to Ron Myers from The Consulting Room, the largest specialist aesthetic information website in the UK, and you may find his advice helpful. 


Overall, however, while it’s important to feel comfortable in your own skin and enjoy your ability to choose your own path, it’s also ok to embrace the wrinkles and the less firm skin in all its glory. You don’t have to ‘fix’ your skin as it ages.



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