Complementary Therapies

Combining other therapies with complementary treatments or using them in isolation can also help to manage symptoms as well as overall health and wellbeing.

For example:


  • Acupuncture: Courses of acupuncture have shown to have some success in reducing the frequency of hot flushes, sweating, mood swings, sleep disturbance, skin and hair problems during menopause.


  • Reflexology: Reflexology can help in a number of ways, from relaxation and tension relief to helping improve your mood.

  • Alexander technique: Drawing on the idea that posture can have an overall impact on health and wellbeing, Alexander technique is a lifestyle habit that many adopt for long-term wellbeing. It can help with menopause as it helps to strengthen your core muscles and generally support health.


  • Hypnosis: Some people find hypnosis helpful during menopause. For example, focusing on cooling imagery may allow for greater control over hot flushes it was reported in Psychology Today.


  • Aromatherapy: With the right essential oils, aromatherapy can generally help to relieve stress and tension - especially if it’s used as part of a massage!

  • Homeopathy: Helping the body to help itself - some people find homeopathic remedies to be helpful. If you are taking anything you should consult a doctor first, especially if you are combining it with other medication.


  • Ayurveda: The National Institute of Health has done some studies into the effectiveness of Ayurvedic therapies on menopausal symptoms. They found a ‘highly significant’ reduction in symptoms when combined with medications. Read more here.





MHRA in the UK:


Study in 2019: 


National Institutes of Health:


Psychology Today:


Read more here:


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