Meet Sarah Cox, Psychic Medium & Counsellor

Meet Sarah Cox

Sarah Cox is an energy healer, counsellor, psychic medium and founder of Zephorium Soul Tonic - products based on chakras, healing, positivity and changing the mind with our belief system.

Having originally trained as an interior designer and artist, Sarah’s world came crashing down when the end of a relationship coincided with a recession, during which her business collapsed. 

She says: “It was the best thing that had ever happened to me. I had been going down the wrong path. I had counselling and then trained to be a counsellor, during which time I realised I was actually very psychic. The counselling opened me up, so I trained to become a psychic medium in London and through that, I realised I wanted to help people.”

From there, Sarah became an energy healer, a trained counsellor specialising in addiction counselling and a psychic medium before founding Zephorium. Today she continues to work as a therapist and run the business, and she is also a valued contributor to MPlus.

Follow Sarah on Instagram: @zephoriumsoultonic


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