Specialist skincare for the 3 stages of menopause

MPlus is a natural skincare collection created for use during each of the three stages of menopause. The 34 symptoms of menopause were considered during the formulation of the menopause-related products and essential oils chosen with the aim of reducing their severity. 

Where are the M+ Collections made?

Staffordshire, UK.

MPLus is created and manufactured by Jennifer Young. We have been making specialist skincare in the UK for 10 years, always in Staffordshire. We use UK suppliers and export our skincare globally. Asia, specifically China and Hong Kong, are our biggest overseas markets.

Who formulated the M+ Collections?

Jennifer Young.

Jennifer Young has been working in health and wellness for a decade. Jennifer Young formulated skincare has been available to buy since 2013. Jennifer started by helping cancer patients to manage their treatment related side-effects and has, more recently, started to support women during their menopausal years.

The M+ team are all based in Staffordshire, in Grade II listed building which is a thing of great beauty. Our HQ can be found in a small picturesque village.

Jennifer’s skincare collections can be found, alongside her wellness treatments in some of the world’s best spas.

What is special about the M+ Collections?

M+ is specialist skincare at its best. Jennifer understands the biology of menopause and the changes that lead to the 34 symptoms of menopause. She then matches them with the therapeutic benefits of plant and essential oils and creates products to uplift and calm as well as moisturising and soothing. 

When were the M+ Collections formulated?

The collections were formulated in 2015 and were on sale under the name Hot Beauty for some time before being withdrawn and renamed. 

How were the M+ collections crafted?

Jennifer used her skills as an aromatherapist and Biologist alongside her experience of large scale manufacturing to make the products powerful and accessible. 

Why were the M+ collections created?

The M+ Collections were created to support the millions of women who are in their menopausal years.


Need a spritz best suited for skin undergoing menopause?